Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Sunday and Monday (BONUS)

So, it's not really a bonus, I just forgot to even do my widow work on Sunday. Sacrilege. My wife and I both woke up with different types of pain on Sunday morning. Church at the majority of the day and then we came hope to simply rest and recover. I am not sure how much of either we truly accomplished but it was a good afternoon. There were a couple things around the house which we had intended for the day that actually did get done. Otherwise, we just relaxed. And grumbled. Because of the pains.

I just now looked up and realized it is verging on one in the morning. Tomorrow it is back to the regular schedule, so I can't really afford to be flippant about how late I stay up tonight, or going forward. The nice holiday time is over. Back to work. Today, much like yesterday, was spent in resting. Mostly involuntary resting. Some of our pains became overwhelming while other circumstances conspired to deprive my wife of any sleep at all Sunday night. Motivation was well out the window.

Despite this terrible foundation, we did manage to accomplish even more household tasks, which makes me somewhat proud of us. No writing came of the time, though. I don't, on this day, feel like I am even working my way toward writing. However I know that is not true. I am writing this after all. There was a moment, before I sat down to compose this that I thought I might just head off to sleep and ignore this task for today. I overcame this feeling.

So that's a positive. Onward to another day.

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