Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Act 1: Time And Again
1a. The Prophecy Archives - The Birth Of Magic (3)
1b. The Prophecy Archives - The Great War (5)
1c. The Prophecy Archives - The Death Of Magic
1d. The Prophecy Archives - Tamela Orbis
2a. Entanis Perling - Sir Gannid The Bold
2b. Entanis Perling - Sir Espin Lorraine
2c. Entanis Perling - Sir Twillick The Sly
2d. Entanis Perling - Sir Chandler The Protector
2e. Entanis Perling - Sir Thomas The Resilient
2f. Entanis Perling - Sir Bram The Righteous
3a. Mesizhetobek: Tarsin
3b. Mesizhetobek: Fury
3c. Mesizhetobek: Respite
3d. Mesizhetobek: Honor
4a. It Just So Happens
4b. It Happens Just So

Act 2: The Guild


Black = Coming soon.
Blue = In the planning phase.
Green = In the writing phase.
Gray = In the editing phase. (Number indicates edit version)
Orange = Complete. (Number indicates edit version) Can still change.
Red = Finalized and published. Unlikely to change.

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